CWU South Yorkshire
Representation When You Need It!

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Welcome to CWU South Yorkshire Branch
We represent members in Postal, Telecom, Mobile, Administration and Financial companies including: BT, Royal Mail Group, Openreach, Telefonica O2, Virgin Media, EE, Accenture, Santander as well as outsourcing company Capita. Our members expertise includes Engineering, Computing, Clerical, Mechanical, Driving, Retail, Financial and Manual skills. Having problems at work and looking for help? Call or message the CWU South Yorkshire Team today! 

Already a member? Please look through the site at how we can support you and the benefits available to you.

About Us

The Communications Workers Union was formed in January 1995 when the Union of
Communication Workers joined with the National Communications Union. The CWU is the biggest
union in the UK communications industry with 200000 members.

We are a campaigning union, making our collective voice heard over issues such as Fair Pay, Pensions, Just Terms & Conditions, Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities and Politics in the communications industry. Working together as one gives us strength to promote equality, diversity and security for our members.

Our Union Values

  1. To unite and organise all those entitled to be members. To protect and promote members' interests and maintain and improve their working lives.
  2. To regulate the relations between members and their employers, and between members.
  3. To secure the greatest possible measure of effective participation by the Union and its members in all decisions affecting their working lives as determined by these rules
  4. To actively oppose all forms of discrimination based on race, creed, religion, age, political affiliation, disability, marital status, sex or sexual or gender orientation in industry, the Union and society in general. To this end the CWU shall actively oppose any organisation, political or otherwise, whose aims are racist or fascist.
  5. To promote and encourage proportionality and fair representation of all members, in industry, the Union and society in general.
  6. To actively identify any cause or barrier that prevents the Union being fully representative of its members. This shall include positive action in favour of women and race minorities until such time as the Union is satisfied that its structure reflects and supports the gender and racial balance of the members it represents.
  7. To promote, organise and facilitate access to adult education to enable members to advance their skills for life.
  8. To further these objects by political means, including, where appropriate by use of its Political fund.
  9. To affiliate to and participate in such organisations as General Conference or the NEC decide are in the interests of the members.

Branch Officers

Chair - Roger Pheasey
Vice Chair - Steve Haggerty
Secretary - Jas Singh
Financial Secretary - Les Watson
Women's Officer - TBA
Youth Officer - Joe Saunders
Equality Officer - Jas Singh
Political Officer - Joe Saunders
Sub Divisional Rep (postal) - LLewelyn Moss

Assistant Secretaries:
Llewelyn Moss - Postal
Darryl Sykes
Ian Uttley
Matthew Crapper

Call South Yorkshire CWU 
on 01709 368661 
for further information
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